Connect to nbn® Fibre to the Building (FTTN)
What you need to know before you choose your ASCOMM nbn® FTTN Broadband service.
nbn® service installation process
Ascensa will arrange for an nbn® technician to connect you to the nbn® using the existing copper cable running into your home. Depending on what services you’re planning to connect, the technician may require access to your home. If you already have an existing home phone service you won’t need an nbn® service appointment.
On the day of installation, someone over 18, whose name is on the account must be home to approve the location. If you’re renting, seek approval from your landlord before getting it installed.
In-home equipment
Fibre to the Building (FTTB) and Fibre to the Node (FTTN) connects your Broadband Wi-Fi Router or Internet Gateway to your existing phone socket so you won’t need additional equipment. After the nbn® network is connected any other phone sockets will no longer work unless rewired to hand off the service from the nbn® network.
Learn more about nbn® Fibre to the Node
FTTN resource guides courtesy of nbn®